2018 Valentine’s Dance 16+ Event
O.E. Banquet Hall 2245 Speers Road, Oakville, Ontario, CanadaRaise Your Voice Council Presents...
Raise Your Voice Council Presents...
How to implement a case management approach that incorporates a specialized response for individuals with a developmental disability who also have behaviour issues and/or a dual diagnosis. Who should attend: Read the full article...
Engaging health care professionals to improve the health and wellbeing across the life span for persons with a developmental disability. A forum for over 200 health care professionals, students, educators, Read the full article...
Join us for a night to help families plan for the Transition from High School to Post Secondary. We will be talking about the challenges of this transition during a Read the full article...
Join us for a night to help families plan for the Transition from High School to Post Secondary. We will be talking about the challenges of this transition during a Read the full article...
This 6 week, virtual workshop provides opportunities to discuss sexuality in an open, light hearted way using visual, tactile and interactive learning strategies. It will foster communication about sexuality and Read the full article...
This 6 week, virtual workshop provides opportunities to discuss sexuality in an open, light hearted way using visual, tactile and interactive learning strategies. It will foster communication about sexuality and Read the full article...
Halton Service Coordination Training is the first level of service provision that families should be receiving in Halton Service Planning. It is important that all service providers are engaging in Read the full article...
This 6 week, virtual workshop provides opportunities to discuss sexuality in an open, light hearted way using visual, tactile and interactive learning strategies. It will foster communication about sexuality and Read the full article...
This 6 week, virtual workshop provides opportunities to discuss sexuality in an open, light hearted way using visual, tactile and interactive learning strategies. It will foster communication about sexuality and Read the full article...